翟璐璐 讲师,博士。
● 离心泵环形密封动力学特性研究,具体包括离心泵非定常数值计算、环形密封静特性及动特性理论与实验分析。
● 离心泵转子系统动力学特性研究,具体包括基于API610的高速泵、大功率多级离心泵横向振动分析、扭转振动分析、流致耦合振动特性分析及相关软件开发。
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于PM-LES方法的间隙流动对离心泵转子非线性动力特性的影响研究51606170,21万,2017.01~2019.12,排名1
2. 浙江省公益技术应用研究计划项目,多级离心泵转子系统动力设计技术及软件开发2017C31045,15万,2017.01~2019.12,排名1
3. 浙江省重大科技专项重点工业项目,智能装备系统融合集成设计技术及应用技术2015C01024,2016.01-2018.12,200万,排名3
1)Lulu Zhai, Zuchao Zhu, Zhenjie Zhang, Jia Guo, Baoling Cui. Theoretical Solutions for Dynamic Characteristics of Spiral-Grooved Liquid Seals[J]. Tribology Transactions, 2019,62:1, 22-33.
2)Zhai L, Zhenjie Z, Zhonghuang C, et al. Dynamic analysis of liquid annular seals with herringbone grooves on the rotor based on the perturbation method[J]. Royal Society Open Science, 2018, 5(6): 180101.
3)Zhai L,Chi Z, Guo J, et al. Theoretical Solutions for Dynamic Characteristics of Liquid Annular Seals with Herringbone Grooves on the Stator Based on Bulk-Flow Theory[J]. Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations, 2018, 2018.
4)Zhai L, Wu G, Wei X, et al. Theoretical and experimental analysis for leakage rate and dynamic characteristics of herringbone-grooved liquid seals[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part J Journal of Engineering Tribology 1994-1996 (vols 208-210), 2015, 229(7). (SCI)
5)Zhai Lulu, Gu Chaohua, Wang Leqin , et.al. Studies of exit recovery coefficient and its effects on dynamic characteristics of liquid annular seals,Journal of Vibroengineering. 2014 (5):138-148. (SCI)
1. 王乐勤,翟璐璐,吴大转,魏雪松,一种用于研究阻尼密封预旋效应的密封力测试装置,2015.04.08,中国,ZL 201310473490.2
2. 邢桂坤,翟璐璐,姚德群,王乐勤,等,一种适用于多级离心泵光滑口环的动力学性能确定方法, 2016.03.16,中国,CN103629120A.
● 通讯地址:浙江省杭州市下沙高教园区2号大街928号浙江理工大学24幢508
● Email: [email protected]